On Wednesday 10 June 2020 BALIHT’s partner consortium came together during a virtual meeting for the first General Assembly of the project.
The general assembly gathered the entire multidisciplinary BALIHT team, which consists of researchers, experts, industry leaders and SMEs from different European countries. The meeting aimed to assess recent achievements by the project partners, and confirmed that both the submission of project deliverables and the development of upcoming project activities are well on track.
Over the course of the first months of the project, which was launched on 1 December 2019, all partners have been working jointly to make the first steps required to lay the foundations for the remainder of the project duration.
For example, partner Grupo Cobra gathered in-depth knowledge on regulatory and cultural barriers related to organic redox flow batteries, while CMBlu Energy AG explored technical aspects related to the RFB which will be developed by our project, and studied possible candidates for electrolytes and requirements for the battery components. AliénorEU set up various communication tools for BALIHT and made a first data management plan, which will support the project in making its research data findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable.
These accomplishments are paving the way for the forthcoming activities in support of the ultimate goal of the project, which is to develop a new organic redox flow battery suitable to work at high temperatures. You can find out more about it on our ‘About’ page.
The meeting proved to be an example of cooperation and fruitful exchange among partners, who had the opportunity to hear about all the developments in each work package first-hand, discuss the activities carried out by other partners and find additional areas where collaborative efforts can further advance the project.
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